Welcome to the homepage of the Division of Legal Affairs at Kennesaw State University.
The Division of Legal Affairs handles legal matters related to the University's operation, including providing legal guidance to KSU's administration, reviewing and drafting contracts, and responding to Open Records requests on behalf of the University. The Division's staff works closely with other campus departments, such as the President's Cabinet and Deans to insure the University's compliance with the laws, and policies and procedures of both Kennesaw State University and the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
Nothing contained within this site should be construed as "legal advice" from the Division of Legal Affairs. Users should always consult with appropriate licensed counsel if legal issues are involved. The materials presented are for informational purposes only and for internal use by Kennesaw State University. Unless otherwise indicated, information on this site does not change or affect any policy, regulation or rule of Kennesaw State University or the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.