Open Record Requests

The Georgia Open Records Act is a state statute that applies to all departments and individuals within Kennesaw State University. The Act requires that public records be open and available for inspection by a requesting party within a reasonable amount of time after the receipt of the request, unless the records are those exempted by law from disclosure (e.g., student educational records).

The Act also requires an initial response within three (3) business days to all Open Records Act requests received by a university official (faculty, staff or administrator). Failure to do so may result in penalties for the university official under the provisions of the law. There are some exceptions to the Open Records Act, including medical records and student academic records.

Kennesaw State University has designated the General Counsel as the Open Records Officer for the University, and is the official to whom all Open Records Act requests should be made. Please send all Open Records requests to or to:

Kennesaw State University
Division of Legal Affairs
MD #9115, Town Point, Suite 3400
3391 Town Point Dr NW
Kennesaw, GA 30144

Any Open Records requests must be forwarded immediately upon receipt to the KSU Office of Legal Affairs for initial response on behalf of the University.

The Office of Legal Affairs will also be responsible for collecting documents that are responsive to the Open Records request (if any), and will provide the documents for review to the requesting party at a mutually convenient time.

In order to avoid delay and to have sufficient time to respond before the 3-day deadline, Open Records requests received by University personnel must be faxed, e-mailed, or delivered in person to the Office of Legal Affairs. Please see our contact information page.

